
Wedding, dance and party tips from the UK's best Swing Band

Vintage Modern is all the rage at the moment everywhere we look.  There’s vintage modern furniture, clothing and even paint!  So it’s no surprise then that taking the music scene by storm is Scott Bradlee’s Post Modern Jukebox band.  These clever musicians and vocalists have ‘hammed up’ some well known pop songs and put them in a vintage style: think Wham’s “Last Christmas” done in the style of the Andrew Sisters or Daft Punk’s “Get Lucky” as a waltz!  Using YouTube as their platform, the Post Modern Jukebox videos have literally gone viral and now the band finds itself performing in stadiums.

What is the Post Modern Jukebox style?

Essentially, it’s re-arranging modern pop songs into a jazz, swing, ragtime or bluegrass style.  Want to get your grandparents to listen to contemporary pop? Try this style.

Throughout the history of pop songs and the charts, old songs have been re-arranged and re-worked to sound modern and fresh so this is, well, just the other way around.  But, somehow, no-one has thought of doing this before.

Here at Simply Swing, we’ve been busy performing along similar lines as Post Modern Jukebox and have been asked for this style at many events recently.  The music is fun, upbeat and, most of all, enjoyable.  And, because we perform as a Strictly Come Dancing band as well, slotting these pop songs into a strict tempo theme has been a whole lot of fun.  Check out our version of Pharrell Williams’ “Happy” as a jive.

The most famous of all the Post Modern Jukebox song’s is, perhaps, the Meghan Trainor hit “All About That Bass”.  We thought it would be a blast to record this with our male vocalist lead (we did have to adapt the lyrics a little!).  We hope you enjoy it.

If you’re having a vintage modern party and would like a band to give it the wow factor, get in touch with us today to discuss how we can help on 0203 507 1988.



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